16 things I do to prep for my housekeeper
Beth Venable Beth Venable

16 things I do to prep for my housekeeper

Clutter causes anxiety and stress, and it takes a toll on your mental state. With that being said, you can stop the clutter from entering your home so that you don’t have to deal with it. I don’t practice what I preach; I actually preach what I practice. I hope that you find these tips helpful and you’re able to implement them in your home as well.

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6 things I do to stop clutter from entering my home
Beth Venable Beth Venable

6 things I do to stop clutter from entering my home

Let your housekeepers to the best they can by getting your stuff out of their way. It’s best to tidy up before their arrival so that your items don’t prevent them from actually being able to clean. I’d rather my housekeepers do deep cleaning rather than spend their time picking up.

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Don’t make these 5 decluttering mistakes
Beth Venable Beth Venable

Don’t make these 5 decluttering mistakes

When decluttering, it can be really hard to let go of your items and to decide what to get rid of. If you are going to declutter, don’t make these mistakes. It’s important to be as effective as you can and to declutter often.

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7 things professional organizers won’t tell you (but I will)
Beth Venable Beth Venable

7 things professional organizers won’t tell you (but I will)

Many people make the same mistakes in their home, and they’re not quite sure how to fix them. As a professional organizer, I have experience brainstorming the best systems in homes. We love helping our clients find ways to maximize function in their homes while making the spaces look great too.

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10 Things guests notice when entering your home
Beth Venable Beth Venable

10 Things guests notice when entering your home

Are you having guests at your home? Here are some things that you can do to make their visit amazing. It’s the little things that make a big impression. You want your family and friends to feel comfortable in your home and to have what they need. Check them out!

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15 Micro habits that help with parenting & your household
Beth Venable Beth Venable

15 Micro habits that help with parenting & your household

The tasks that you do each day matter especially if you want to maintain a clutter-free home. When you stay on top of these things, your home will look and feel great. If you do a little each day, you’ll keep a lot more stress away.

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You can have an organized home & have duplicates
Beth Venable Beth Venable

You can have an organized home & have duplicates

Duplicates can be a problem and cause clutter, but some duplicates are ok. If you use the items, it’s even more acceptable. You should be selective on how much you have of items in your home, but we are here to tell you that you can have duplicates and keep your home organized.

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A guide to having a junk drawer
Beth Venable Beth Venable

A guide to having a junk drawer

A junk drawer should not be junky; it should hold non-kitchen items that you need in the kitchen. Everything that you put in your junk drawer should be items that are placed there with purpose. Check out these tips to have a non-junky junk drawer.

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My list of no-no’s as a professional organizer
Beth Venable Beth Venable

My list of no-no’s as a professional organizer

I don’t practice what I preach; I preach what I practice. I truly believe that if you do the work on the front end then you’ll have much less work to do in the long run. We create little habits in our daily life that can cause stress or eliminate stress. You can make your home look and feel better with a few of my own personal tips.

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Don’t make these mistakes when moving
Beth Venable Beth Venable

Don’t make these mistakes when moving

Imagine moving into a new home and it’s filled with things that you love. This doesn’t have to be a dream; it can be your reality. If you are intentional about everything that you bring into your new home, you’re more likely to turn this dream into your own reality.

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Unpopular Opinion: I don’t hold onto things because I think I “might” need it later
Beth Venable Beth Venable

Unpopular Opinion: I don’t hold onto things because I think I “might” need it later

If you want to live a clutter-free life, you have to change your mindset about the items in your home. It’s important to keep the items that you really need and use, and we do not suggest holding onto to things just because you might need them in the future. As a matter of fact, the items that you might use or not use are probably cluttering your home and causing you stress.

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5 mistakes you’re probably making with organizing & decluttering your home
Beth Venable Beth Venable

5 mistakes you’re probably making with organizing & decluttering your home

Organization doesn’t just happen on its own which is why you should use these simple steps to help you. When you have a plan, you’re more likely to get organized and stay organized. Maintenance is an important part of the process. In order to stay organized, you have to be mindful of your processes and tweak them as needed.

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Questions to ask yourself when decluttering your home
Beth Venable Beth Venable

Questions to ask yourself when decluttering your home

Decluttering isn’t always an easy process, but these questions might be helpful. If you find yourself stuck when trying to declutter, you can stop and reflect on whether or not you really need to hold onto those items that might actually be causing you stress. Decluttering takes practice. The more you use this exercise to declutter, then the easier it gets.

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What decluttering actually is & isn’t
Beth Venable Beth Venable

What decluttering actually is & isn’t

Decluttering and organizing are not the same, and it’s important to understand that there is a difference. You should declutter before you organize, and it’s a process that you must do consistently. When you declutter, the goal is to actually remove some of the clutter.

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3 things to consider the next time you purchase new clothes
Beth Venable Beth Venable

3 things to consider the next time you purchase new clothes

Do you buy clothes with a plan? It’s really important to think about what you have when you are purchasing new items. You should do these things in order to maintain a clutter-free, organized closet. It’s always fun to buy new clothes, but you have to think about the impact the new items have on your space.

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Don’t make these costly mistakes when moving
Beth Venable Beth Venable

Don’t make these costly mistakes when moving

Moving can be both exciting and exhausting. Here are some tips to help you get ready for your move so that you’re more efficient and ready. It’s always nice if you can get some of the work done on the front end of a move. Can you imagine moving and unpacking boxes filled with items that you know you love and want to keep?!?

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