Questions to ask yourself when decluttering your home
Beth Venable Beth Venable

Questions to ask yourself when decluttering your home

Decluttering isn’t always an easy process, but these questions might be helpful. If you find yourself stuck when trying to declutter, you can stop and reflect on whether or not you really need to hold onto those items that might actually be causing you stress. Decluttering takes practice. The more you use this exercise to declutter, then the easier it gets.

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What decluttering actually is & isn’t
Beth Venable Beth Venable

What decluttering actually is & isn’t

Decluttering and organizing are not the same, and it’s important to understand that there is a difference. You should declutter before you organize, and it’s a process that you must do consistently. When you declutter, the goal is to actually remove some of the clutter.

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If you want a peaceful home STOP doing these 3 things
Beth Venable Beth Venable

If you want a peaceful home STOP doing these 3 things

Decluttering can be overwhelming. Let’s face it; clutters builds fast if you don’t declutter often. Here are some suggestions for decluttering so that you can tackle it on your own. Follow us on Instagram and Facebook for lots of decluttering tips and ideas.

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3 things to consider the next time you purchase new clothes
Beth Venable Beth Venable

3 things to consider the next time you purchase new clothes

Do you buy clothes with a plan? It’s really important to think about what you have when you are purchasing new items. You should do these things in order to maintain a clutter-free, organized closet. It’s always fun to buy new clothes, but you have to think about the impact the new items have on your space.

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Don’t make these costly mistakes when moving
Beth Venable Beth Venable

Don’t make these costly mistakes when moving

Moving can be both exciting and exhausting. Here are some tips to help you get ready for your move so that you’re more efficient and ready. It’s always nice if you can get some of the work done on the front end of a move. Can you imagine moving and unpacking boxes filled with items that you know you love and want to keep?!?

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The 3 biggest mistakes I made when starting to declutter
Beth Venable Beth Venable

The 3 biggest mistakes I made when starting to declutter

Decluttering can be overwhelming, but it doesn’t have to be that way. You can learn from my mistakes by following these simple tips. By decluttering your home, you are clearing your physical space and mental stress. My biggest tip about decluttering is to declutter often. When you stay on top of it, the process is so much easier!

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Bins and organizers won’t solve your clutter problems
Beth Venable Beth Venable

Bins and organizers won’t solve your clutter problems

If you have clutter, you need to tackle it. The problems won’t be solved by putting items in bins. Here are some reasons why you actually have to declutter in order to actually tackle the clutter. When you shuffle the clutter, then you still have clutter. You can get to the bottom of the problem by following my advice!

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30 easy things to declutter before summer
Beth Venable Beth Venable

30 easy things to declutter before summer

It’s summer which means that your schedule is different, you’re going on vacation, and the kids may be home. Here’s a great list of things to do to start the summer off right. Don’t let clutter get in the way of your fun times this summer!

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12 things to get rid of in your children’s spaces right now
Beth Venable Beth Venable

12 things to get rid of in your children’s spaces right now

When you declutter your kid’s things often, you’re likely to have more time to enjoy with them because their things aren’t in the way. As a parent, you have to pay attention to what goes in and what goes out of your kid’s spaces. Kids grow fast and so do their things! Here are some items that you can declutter right now.

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How to manage your kid’s toys
Beth Venable Beth Venable

How to manage your kid’s toys

Children needs toys to play with, but they don’t need as many as you might think. It’s important to have a plan for managing the toys in your home so that they don’t take over. If the toys are hard for you to keep organized, then imagine how hard it is for your children to take care of them!

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Chores your kids can do over the summer
Beth Venable Beth Venable

Chores your kids can do over the summer

When kids do chores at home, they are helping their parents with tasks that need to be done. Additionally, they are learning life skills that will not only help them longterm, but they’ll also help the kids relieve stress and improve their self-esteem.

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20 expired items in your home right now
Beth Venable Beth Venable

20 expired items in your home right now

Your home may be full of expired items. You might find some of the things on this list surprising. You may want to save the list to help you stay on top of things that expire in your home.

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Your home is full of expired items - Part 1
Beth Venable Beth Venable

Your home is full of expired items - Part 1

Did you know that tons of items expire in addition to foods? That’s right! It’s important to know what you have and have a grasp on the expiration dates because many items lose their effectiveness once they expire. If you don’t overbuy and use what you have, that’s a great start for staying on top of the things in your home.

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Clutter is not just the stuff lying around your home
Beth Venable Beth Venable

Clutter is not just the stuff lying around your home

Everyone’s tolerance for clutter varies, but clutter is clutter. It can get in the way of your mental well being. It’s important to recognize the impact of clutter on your day to day life so that you can work hard to try to eliminate it. You’ll feel so much better if you do!

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Shocking statistics about clutter
Beth Venable Beth Venable

Shocking statistics about clutter

There’s no nice way to say it. Clutter causes stress and anxiety. When we have too much stuff, our mind is cluttered too. It’s not too late to tackle the clutter, and I promise that you’ll feel so much better when you do.

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15 things you don’t need more of in your home
Beth Venable Beth Venable

15 things you don’t need more of in your home

During Covid, we were trained to stock pile items and collect as many backups as we could. We don’t have to do that anymore so we are here to help you think about what you have and what you actually need. When you keep like items together, it’s much easier to have a grasp on your household inventory.

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