Professional Organizer

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17 things that the kids of a professional organizer do to help maintain our home

Hi friends, I’m Beth. I am a busy mom, wife and business owner. I am known for being clean and organized, but I ask for help when needed. I’m excited to share some systems that work well in our household, and I encourage you to come up with some ways that your family members can help you too!

✅ We have a “no shoes in the house policy” so the kids drop their shoes in the coat closet as they walk inside the door.

✅ Each day, the kids bring their dirty laundry downstairs and place them in a basket in the laundry room so that I can wash a load daily.

✅ When the kids come in the door from school, they unpack their backpacks immediately.

✅ After dinner, the kids make their lunch before we put the leftovers away. The entire family works together to clean up dinner, and no ones walks away until the job is done.

✅ Before the kids go to bed, they lay out their outfits for the next day.

✅ When the kids get home from school, they sort the load of clean laundry into a pile for each member of the family. Every person puts away their own clean clothes.

✅ Every time that we get out of the car, we grab everything that is in there so that the car doesn’t pile up with trash and stuff.

✅ Before the kids get screen time, I ask them to check their spaces and tasks to ensure that they’re doing their part.

✅ The kids are used to decluttering regularly so they let me know right away when something is too small or when they’re ready to pass something on to other kids.

✅ The kids pack themselves for a trip or getaway, and they’re used to unpacking right away when they return which includes putting their bag or suitcase away too.

✅ Our kids help with all household chores such as taking out the trash, unloading the dishwasher, vacuuming the floor, etc.

✅ We store all sports related items on an organizational system in our laundry room so the kids place those items back in their spot as soon as they walk in the door.

✅ There is a family bulletin board off the kitchen that stores important papers or special display items, and the kids know to hang them there if they’d like the item to be posted.

✅ Our morning routine on non-school days consists of getting dressed, brushing teeth, making the bed, and picking up anything that needs to be picked up.

✅ When we have sleepovers, the kids take responsibility for cleaning everything up after their friends leave. If they’re thinking ahead, they’ll ask their sweet friends to give them a hand before taking off.

✅ We have a house rule that food and drinks are only allowed in the kitchen. We do make an exception and allow a disposable water bottle on the kid’s nightstands, and we allow popcorn in the movie room as long as it’s cleaned up after the movie!

✅ When the dishes don’t fit in the dishwasher, we work together to wash and hand dry everything so that it’s all put away after the meal.

As my kids get older, their responsibilities build and change. When I notice that something isn’t working, we brainstorm a tweak or new system. The most important factor that helps us in our home is consistency. If we get off track, we quickly get back on track. My kids love structure and routine, and we are all happiest when we work together to maintain our home!

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