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6 Ways to Support a Small Business For FREE

6 Ways To Support A Small Business FOR FREE

One thing that I didn’t realize about being a business owner is just how much work goes into the business on top of your actual trade.  Like many jobs, small business owners often feel like there aren’t enough hours in the day to do everything because you have so much to do to run the business, market the business, and keep it going. 

Small businesses must work hard to get the word out, and you can do little things to help them. There are so many ways that you can support a small business, and you don’t even have to spend money.  Of course, new clients are amazing, but we appreciate everything that our followers do to help support us which often leads to more clients. 

Marketing is a huge part of the job, and social media is a great way to market a business. Your interaction with our channels really helps tremendously.  Aside from showing your love and support, you can help by contributing to the growth of the company. Read more to learn exactly how you can help!

6 Ways To Support A Small Business FOR FREE

Following business pages on social media can really help the business grow.

 1. Follow them on their social media channels

That’s right. A simple like or follow, and you get to see the ins and outs of a small business while also helping the business grow.  When business pages gain followers, it helps their page become visible to more people.  And of course, the business will benefit by having more and more followers and viewers on their channels.

2. Like or comment on their posts, reels and stories.

Click. Leave a note.  It’s free and only takes a few seconds. When followers engage on social media pages, it helps the company grow their audience and get potential customers.  When activity rates are high for a post, they show up in more feeds. Every time you click on social media, you can help a small business for free.

A business can grow it’s online presence when you share or save their posts.

3. Share or save their posts. 

Yes please. When you share a post, your followers will notice.  If you want to refer back to a post, you can save it. Even better, you can add a hashtag with the business name or link the business or business owner to your posts.  Any reaction on a business page helps the business.  Small businesses have to constantly post to keep their audience engaged, and your interactions here and there help!

4. Give a referral

The biggest compliment that you can give a small business is a referral.  When you refer someone, you are telling your friends and family that you think highly enough of them to give a recommendation.  Referrals are free and a great way to support a business.  Word of mouth is really the biggest form of flattery.

Reviews are crucial for a small business to get clients.

5. Write a review. 
This is a BIG one, and small businesses need reviews (more than you know!).  If you are a client of a small business, do it!  Show your love and appreciate by writing a review. Potential clients look at reviews to determine whether to hire a business so every review matters.  Think about how often you look at reviews to decide.  All businesses appreciate a five-star review. If your feedback isn’t five stars, I suggest reaching out to the business directly to give your constructive feedback.  As a bonus to your great review, you can attach a photo. Reviews with photos are the absolute best!  Your review could be the reason that someone reaches out and becomes a client. 

6. Go to the website

Businesses build their website to showcase who they are, what they offer, etc.  The website is like the resume of the business.  If you take a few minutes to browse the website, it helps the business.  Further, the business owner can see where viewers clicked and what interests them the most.  The feedback is helpful for the business as they update and make changes to their sites.

When you visit the website of a small business, you are helping the business.

 7. Bonus:  Become a customer

Of course, you don’t have to become a customer to support a business, but being a customer is a win.  All your free efforts to help a business are appreciated just as much as a paying client.  Small businesses not only help their customers, but they’re great for the economy too.