Professional Organizer

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7 things professional organizers won’t tell you (but I will)

As a professional organizer, we see patterns in homes that often contribute to the challenges that our clients face. These tips might help you implement some better systems so that your household functions better. If you look at my social media pages, you’ll quickly notice that I love to share my knowledge and expertise. That’s the teacher in me plus I love helping others.

Sometimes, we recognize that the system isn’t working but we don’t know how to fix it. I’m here to help you out with some suggestions as well. We are here to help you create a space that you love!

Don’t make these mistakes at home. If you are guilty, these tips offer some ideas on how to fix them.

💡 Size of bins
❌ Your bins are probably too small.
✅ We add bins that are big enough to fit the category of items.

💡 Adding bins
❌ You don’t gain space.
✅ You actually lose space but you gain an organizational system.

💡 Labels
❌ If there aren’t labels, it can be hard to keep it up.
✅ The labels are KEY to the function and maintenance of any system in the home.

💡 Quantity of things
❌ Most people have way too many things.
✅ Your life will be calmer with less. I promise!

💡 Decluttering
❌ It’s not easy for most people.
✅ You must declutter often in order to maintain a clutter-free home. And it is hard!

💡 Sentimental items
❌ You can keep them.
✅ They should not be taking up space in your day to day areas. If you want to keep them, then put them in spaces that you don’t go to regularly.

💡 Cost
❌ The mental cost is far more expensive than the price of actually getting organized.
✅ Our client’s pay for our service and for some products, but we try to keep the costs down as much as possible. The investment actually saves you money in the long run.

Houston Home Organizer
Side By Side Design Texas